Saturday, March 1, 2008

2nd of March.

I had a so-so day today. Nothing really special happened, things were just normal, I would say. Stayed home the whole day cause the weather wasn't really nice, it was too windy outside. So pretty much just watched tv and eat and bum around and played with Noah, hehe.

Oh, and I just finished watching Alien vs. Predator 2 with Mike.
Errr, we didn't like the movie that much, plus it wasn't as okay as the first part. Oh well, maybe we expected way too much.

Its already 1.13 in the morning here right now and we're not that sleepy yet. So we're just listening to music - which is Linkin Park at the moment. Lalala.

So yea, I don't really know what else to say anymore so tata for now! : )

1 comment:

Misha said...


she updated her blog na. :) good fer ya sis. hows life?? haha.

misd U a lot.